Performance Management

Howard University is committed to a performance management process that fosters and rewards excellent performance.

Effective performance management is a continuous cycle that only works with partnership from the supervisor, employee, and the university. Together, we are continually working towards employees performing their best while receiving fair and transparent communication. Throughout the year, you should be consistently engaging in one of the following processes: performance planning, performance review, coaching, and development.

Staff Administrative performance reviews are happening now. View the performance management timeline HERE!


Need additional Information?

Review our Sharepoint site or

contact your HR Business Partner.

Resources and Training

Visit our Sharepoint Site for more information and details on staff administrative performance management!

Performance Management Sharepoint Site

Under Performance

Supervisors should provide early constructive feedback to employees when performance tasks or behavior becomes a concern. This feedback is usually verbal, specific, and held in a confidential setting. The supervisor should listen to the employee and seek to understand the employee's reasons for why s/he is not performing satisfactorily. Assistance from the supervisor, further coaching, additional help, re-prioritizing tasks, or additional training may be some of the remedies required. Performance improvement plans can now be initiated in Workday BUT will required to approval from your HR Business Partners before becoming part of an employees official record. Therefore, we advise you to engage in conversations with your HR team prior to initiating the process.